Saturday, May 18, 2013

I am so tired... and about ready to be home now.  I don't look forward to the flights back tomorrow.

There is so much I/we didn't write about.  The people we met in Ireland have all been so helpful and nice.  I adored the different seafood chowders  in Dingle.  (And can't believe some/all my traveling companions ate tongue with our B&B hostess.)  I thought Cory did well conversing with a German tourist while he fished from shore.  I loved going out to the Loop Head lighthouse with Kathy and Diane.  I loved checking out St Tola's cross and the Dysert O'Dea area with Cory and Jody.  K, D, J and I had a nice time together in Killaloe.  I've probably had my fill of guinness.  The list goes on and on....

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